COVID-19 antigen test
The novel coronavirus antigen test is a test for the presence of the novel coronavirus antigen, which is generated during the process of viral multiplication. It can determine whether you are currently infected with the virus.
It is recommended that the test be performed at the same time as the antibody test in order to get a more accurate picture of the situation. For more information, please ask your physician.
(data) item | Fee (JPY, excl. VAT) |
New Corona virus antigen test | 15,000 |
Antigen and antibody test set | 25,000 |
- A medical certificate (negative certificate) is available for an additional fee of ¥3,000 (tax not included). (Foreign language services are available in English, Chinese, and Vietnamese for ¥5,000 (tax not included).
- All of the above fees are only applicable to patients who present a valid Japanese health insurance card and who are fluent in Japanese and have no difficulty with the counseling process. For other patients, please refer to the estimate after the counseling.
- Currently, patients without fever or cold symptoms are eligible.